Star Wars On Display at Dragon Con 2014 Parade


This year’s Dragon Con, held last week in Atlanta, Georgia, was chock-full of Star Wars excitement. Plenty of costumes roamed the multiple hotels of the convention, and Saturday morning’s parade was loaded with fans who set their alarm clocks early and made their way to the staging area when many of Dragon Con’s revelers were just falling into a deep sleep.

I staked out my spot bright and early this year so I wouldn’t miss a thing, and I am so glad I did, even if my eyes were so puffy from lack of sleep that people probably thought I was cosplaying as E.T. I got to be right up close to all the action and saw some truly awesome costumes on display, as well as a whole lot of Star Wars love.

Our favorite franchise always closes out the parade, so these fans hit the parade route just as the morning sun was really starting to blaze. It started with the tongue-in-cheek cardboard group. Cardboard Chewbacca, Vader, and even an AT-AT — it may be low-tech, but it’s high-fun.

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