Dave Filoni Explains the ‘Star Wars Rebels’ Ezra Lightsaber/Blaster Hybrid

Via Slashfilm.com:
Just when everyone was busy talking about Kylo Ren’s lightsaber in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the Star Wars Rebels team jumped on board with a strange design of their own. They introduced Ezra’s lightsaber, which looks like a staple gun and combines a blaster with a lightsaber. Because it wasn’t in theaters, this unique new Star Wars weapon didn’t creator the fervor of its cross-guarded counterpart, but it was still a radical departure from what Star Wars fans expect from the series’ elegant weapons.

At Star Wars Celebration, we spoke with Rebels producer Dave Filoni and since he wasn’t giving up many details on season 2, we asked about Ezra’s saber. Where did the idea come from? How was it designed? What was the purpose and was it hard getting it approved by the Lucasfilm Story Group? Read everything Filoni had to say about the Ezra lightsaber below.

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