Feel the Force on the latest limited edition Star Wars collectible coins

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R2-D2 is the latest character to be featured on New Zealand Mint’s Star Wars Classic coin collection. These fine gold and silver licensed collectible coins show R2-D2 being sold by the Jawas to Luke Skywalker and his step-uncle Owen Lars in Star Wars: A New Hope. The coins come presented in a Star Wars branded and stylized coin packaging, making them ideal gifts for fans.

A resourceful astromech Droid, R2-D2 served Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker in turn, showing great bravery in rescuing his masters and their friends from many perils. A skilled starship mechanic and fighter pilot’s assistant, he formed an unlikely but enduring friendship with the fussy protocol Droid C-3PO.

With a limited worldwide mintage of only 10,000 of each coin, don’t delay and start, or add, to your collection today.

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