
”Many Bothans died to bring us this information.” — Mon Mothma

Some species within the Star Wars Legends material have changed considerably over time. One obvious reason for this is the lack of a visual representation in the original source. When a species is mentioned or described in a novel, the actual physical appearance may be open to interpretation. And although they are sometimes described in detail, sources that eventually portray them are usually not directly guided by the original author’s views. As such, they may vary from source to source. A good example of this variation is the krayt dragon, who changes significantly between different books. Most of the interpretations do not even match the only visible clue there is: the krayt dragon skull that’s seen in the Dune Sea scenes of Episode IV.

How Many Bothans?

Similarly, no one knew what a Bothan looked like when Mon Mothma mentioned them in Episode VI back in 1983. They would go largely unexplored until Timothy Zahn described them in his 1991 novel Heir to the Empire as being covered with a fine cream-colored fur. A year later, the Bothans would get their first ever image, in the Heir to the Empire Sourcebook. They looked somewhat human, but with quite a lot of hair. This image was not the most detailed one, but later books by West End Games fleshed out this look. Images of Bothan characters appeared in numerous sources, such as Wanted by Cracken in 1993, Cracken’s Rebel Operatives in 1994, and the 1996 Adventure Journal #10. The interpretation is often the same, a humanoid being, with a flat, broad nose, pointy ears and mane-like fur. From time to time the Bothans would almost resemble something from the early Planets of the Apes films. The comic adaptation of Shadows of the Empire also followed this look.

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2015-02-09 13_07_49-A Tale of Two Bothans_ Interpreting Star Wars Aliens _