Star Wars Quotes You Can Use In Real Life


It’s hard to remember, but less than a decade ago, everyone was pretty sure that the Star Wars franchise was basically a zombie of its former self. The prequels were financially successful, but as the 2010s dawned, there was scarce new Star Wars content on the horizon. Obviously that all changed with the Disney-lead Star Wars resurgence and the success of The Force Awakens both critically and at the box office. Once again, Star Wars is relevant!

The father of the galaxy far far away, George Lucas, wasn’t necessarily known for being good with words when it came to writing his own scripts. Harrison Ford was famously frustrated working on the original material trying to deliver some of lines Lucas had written or directed him to perform. Since then, the Star Wars series has grown to become a cultural phenomena and most of the dialogue can be used in everyday situations to great effect. Some of these Star Wars quotes, especially those from the original film, are easily applicable to your everyday life.

We’ve left out some of the obvious ones, such as “I know” (Han Solo to Princess Leia in The Empire Strikes Back) in a response to people telling you they love you and “It’s a trap!” (Admiral Ackbar, Return of the Jedi) to either cry wolf when it is not a trap or make light of actual traps.

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