‘Star Wars Rebels’ Raises The Bar For TV Action

Via Ew.com:

Action scenes have always been a big part of the Star Wars universe, and Star Wars Rebels isn’t just keeping the tradition alive. It’s pushing the envelope and delivering some of the best action on television.

Whether it’s on the silver screen, television or in video games, high-level action and fight scenes have always been prominent in the Star Wars story. From the attack on the Death Star in Episode IV to cinematics like this one for Star Wars: The Old Republic, the action drives the story as much as the story drives the action.

That’s a pretty big legacy to fulfill, but I think Rebels is up to the task. I’ve heard it said that the show may actually be a bit too violent, considering it’s made for kids, but I’m going to leave that decision up to parents and just share three instances that demonstrate why Star Wars Rebels is so compelling.

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