3D Printing A Full-Size BB-8

Via Makezine.com:

We’re still two months away from the official release of the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie, and already there are a number of BB-8 robot toys that fans can pick up. But for the truly diehard droid lovers, there’s no substitution for having a full-size BB-8 replica by your side, perhaps even sitting next to you at the movie premier. Thanks to the incredible efforts of the BB-8 Builders Club Facebook group, Maker-minded Star Wars fans have been 3D printing their own full-size BB-8 (or at least the friendly droid’s adorable dome).

The group has created a private, downloadable repository of all the files needed to print and assemble a full-scale BB-8, including both the dome and more recently, the body. It is a private group, so I’m probably ruining the party by even mentioning their existence, but you can see some of the results posted publicly, often tagged with #notbuildingbb8 (a running joke on the secretive, sometimes reluctant, but ultimately inevitable impulse to build one’s own BB-8).

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