Episode 9 Expected To Wrap Filming By February 2019

Via Screenrant.com:

Star Wars: Episode IX is expected to wrap filming in February 2019. As difficult as this is to believe, the end of the franchise’s sequel trilogy (and Skywalker saga in general) is upon us. Director J.J. Abrams recently commenced production, assembling a talented cast consisting of series veterans and newcomers. In typical Lucasfilm fashion, plot details are largely being kept under wraps, but the studio has thankfully been transparent about some elements, like the plan for Carrie Fisher’s General Leia.

Anyone who’s watched a behind-the-scenes documentary for a Star Wars film knows they are massive undertakings and aren’t easy to make. Of course, there’s a lot of work to be done in post-production with all of the visual effects required to bring the galaxy far, far away to life, but the actual principal photography is no walk in the park either. Abrams and his team are in for the long haul and will be busy for quite a while.

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