ASK JAKKS – August 2015


Scott Neitlich is the Director of Action Figure and Collector product at JAKKS Pacific.  He reached out to select Star Wars sites and gave us the opportunity to participate in an Q&A Monthly session called ASK JAKKS, here is our latest segment.  Enjoy, and if you have a question you want us to ask Scott, let us know!

Chris from YN: Do you have any plans or ideas about doing a life size Darth Vader or other character?

Scott: Right now our BIG FIGS scale rights stop at 48” so a life size version isn’t something you can expect from JAKKS anytime in the neat future.

C: Do you have plans on making more female characters? Leia and her various costumes, Padme, Mara Jade, Ahsoka, Sabine, Hera etc.?

S: We definitely want to get some females in the BIG FIGS line and we hope to have some news to announce for this soon!

C: Have you had any thoughts on more articulation, such as elbow and knee bend?

S: Yes we have thought of this and looked into it. The issue is that our BIG FIGS are value priced at $19.99 to be the new gold standard in kid play. Adding articulation, deo and accessories drives up this price point, so to execute a more detailed or articulated version of a BIG FIG might take a more deluxe execution. Something we are exploring but do not have details to announce right now.