Last Jedi Comic Honors Obi-Wan


Star Wars: The Last Jedi disappointed some fans when Luke Skywalker’s story ended without paying respects to Obi-Wan Kenobi – but that’s a problem fixed in the comic book adaptation of the movie.

This isn’t the first time we’ve praised the comic adaptation for ‘fixing’ Last Jedi’s most controversial moments, but it may be the most meaningful for fans who felt old Ben Kenobi should’ve played a role in Episode 8, since Luke steps into his former role when asked to train Rey in The Force. At the very least, the comic version shows that Luke finally understood Kenobi’s last (living) lesson shortly before his death. At most, that Luke truly understood how The Force had turned the student into the master… and showed how he could follow Obi-Wan’s path himself.


It’s a moment that fans may not recall, assuming they don’t have every line of dialogue or Jedi motto committed to memory. As the heroes of the first Star Wars movie arrive at what used to be the planet Alderaan, they find in its place a field of debris… and the biggest battle station they’ve ever seen. Instantly, they’re pulled into the villains’ clutches as the hotshot smuggler Han Solo boasts that even the Empire won’t be able to take him in without a fight.

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