Mark Hamill Talks Pop Culture Quest


Mark Hamill is a little tired. “It’s been 6 a.m. calls every morning, and I have another one tomorrow,” laughs the actor, who’s calling from England, where he’s working on the as-yet-untitled eighth film in the Star Wars series. “I’m taking to showering the night before, so I just roll out of bed 15 minutes before, and then go straight to the studio.”

It turns out that Hamill’s brief appearance as Luke Skywalker in last year’s The Force Awakens was the beginning of a busy period for the actor. He’s voicing the Joker in this summer’s highly-anticipated animated adaptation of The Killing Joke. And he’s also front-and-center in a new series that will debut on Comic-Con HQ, the new video-on-demand service created by Comic-Con International and Lionsgate. Hamill took a break to talk about his hopes for Pop Culture Quest, a conversation that invariably led to Beatles panty hose.

I know that you haven’t started filming the show yet, so what’s your vision for Mark Hamill’s Pop Culture Quest?
I’ve been approached over the years to host this kind of show or that kind of show. Usually space-related, obviously, or about UFOs or paranormal activity. Those are things that all interest me, but it’s not like I’ve ever had a paranormal experience. I’d love to see a ghost, but I’ve never seen one. I’d love to see a UFO, I’ve never seen one.

Howard Kazanjian was the producer of Return of the Jedi, and he also produced Raiders of the Lost Ark. We’ve stayed friends over the years. He’s been over to my house, and he’s seen my collection of toys, games, puppets, plastic model kits, rock & roll memorabilia, Beatles memorabilia, and all that. I’ve collected so much, we’re at the point where my wife said we have to get storage space to sort all this stuff. I said, “I don’t want to have to go visit my stuff in a garage! This is really getting out of hand!” I stopped collecting the actual items. I started collecting catalogues, and coffee table books with photographs of what I like: vintage toys, and the like.

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