
Hot on the heels of the launch of Marvel’s all-new STAR WARS ongoing series comes the second title set in that Galaxy Far, Far Away—STAR WARS: DARTH VADER. The book boasts not only fan-favorite writer Kieron Gillen, but equally acclaimed artist Salvador Larroca, both creators working hard to bring the Dark Lord of the Sith to the front for new adventures in the Star Wars Universe.

We got with Salvador to take a peek behind the scenes of his amazing art on the series and get into his head for how he approached the saga, as well as the villain that we all love to hate. Salvador, from a design standpoint, did you approach the Star Wars Universe any differently than any of your other comic projects?

Salvador Larroca: Well, I think that a more realistic style works for this series far better than any kind of super heroic look. I try to fit the style to the project, and I see DARTH VADER as more realistic—very much like the films. To me, a book where the Star Wars characters don’t like how they do in the films is not a Star Wars book. Han has to be Han, Luke has to look like Luke and Vader has to be that friendly guy we all know…

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