Star Wars Rebels Pinball Tables

Star Wars continues to be a hot topic in the gaming world, as the memories of the first Battlefront trailer are fresh in our minds. While we have to wait months for that game, you can get a dose of a galaxy far, far away this week.

Zen Studios has announced that its eleventh table set in the Star Wars universe will be released this week. This intricate and flashy take on the ongoing conflict between Jedi and Sith uses the current Star Wars Rebels animated series as inspiration.

Familiar characters from the show, including Ezra Bridger, Kanan Jarrus, Sabine Wren, and the astromech droid Chopper, make appearances during various events. You’ll be able to add the Star Wars Rebel table to your collection this week on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Vita, PC, Mac, iOS, Android, and Amazon platforms.

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