Cloud City Tops List of Favorite Fake Cities

Who hasn’t watched The Empire Strikes back and dreamed about living in Bespin, the floating metropolis of beauty and freedom? It turns out, a good portion of the people surveyed in a recent study from Simply Self Storage have!

They asked 1,000 people which fictional city they would rather live in. Choices included Gotham City, Pawnee, Narnia, Bikini Bottom, Emerald City, Wonderland, and of course Cloud City. In the overall results Narnia came out on top with 17% of the total vote, while Cloud City came in with 13%.

However, when you look at the results and breakdown of demographics, Cloud City came out on top amongst males (18%) followed closely by Gotham City. Unfortunately amongst females it came in dead last at 9%. The age group that voted Cloud City the highest was those aged 35-44.

You can view the full results below and draw your own conclusions!