Solo Kept Budget Down By Reusing Force Awakens’ Millennium Falcon


Solo: A Star Wars Story kept its budget down by reusing the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Although the spaceship looks a little different in Solo, it’s still the same ship from Episode VII.

Solo: A Star Wars Story released earlier this year. The film covered the early years of iconic Star Wars character Han Solo, showing how he and Chewbacca first met, as well as how Han came into possession of the Millennium Falcon (and yes, technically, he did win it in a game of sabacc). Although the film isn’t part of the new trilogy and serves as Han Solo’s backstory, it still had an incredibly big budget, one of the largest in the Star Wars franchise. The film cost over $250 million, making it the most expensive Star Wars movie to date.

That meant that producers needed to save as much money as possible. So when it came to recreating a newer version of the Millennium Falcon for Solo, the art directors were savvy enough to reuse the same Millennium Falcon from The Force Awakens. On the Solo Blu-ray special feature “Remaking The Millennium Falcon,” supervising art director Alastair Bullock said: “This is the original, well, not the ‘original’ original Falcon. But it was the Falcon set that we built on Episode VII.” Although the Millennium Falcon in Solo looks a bit different, Assistant Art Director Liam Georgensen assured fans that this was, in fact, the same set used for The Force Awakens.

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