The Star Wars Collectors Archive: The First 20 Years

Congrats to the Team at  The Star Wars Collectors Archive on 20 Years!

Gus writes via the The Star Wars Collectors Archive:

Today (August 20, 2014) is the 20th anniversary of the Star Wars Collectors Archive, the first Star Wars collecting website on the Internet. When I started “The Archive” with friends 20 years ago, we wanted to build a destination where fellow collectors could share information as we were all ramping up and learning a lot about this hobby. At the time, people thought I was nuts to build a website devoted to such an esoteric topic as “Star Wars collecting.” It was years before this hobby went mainstream, and the idea of a site dedicated to Star Wars collecting seemed too narrow for anyone to notice. Today, there are many wonderful Star Wars collecting websites covering various aspects of the hobby.

Click Here or below to keep reading the awesome history of the pioneers of Star Wars sites!
