Via Starwars.com:

MAKE A STYLISH TIE FIGHTER PAINTING PERFECT FOR FRAMING — OR THE FRIDGE.With this outdoor art project, you and the kids can create a sleek, cool TIE fighter soaring among the stars with just a few painting supplies.This project is messy fun and, as a bonus, you can spray the kids and the sidewalk to cool down when you’re finished! Paint, sunshine, and Star Wars make the perfect combination for a summer afternoon art project.

What You’ll Need

TIE fighter template
Black construction paper
White washable paint
Red washable paint
Get Started!

1. Begin by printing this TIE fighter template. Cut out the shape.

2. Next, head outside and place the black construction paper on the sidewalk or grass.

3. Place the template on top of the paper, and use rocks to hold it down if it’s a windy day. Check to make sure the rocks don’t overlap the edges of the template.