Has Disney Obtained the Rights to All 6 Star Wars Films?

Via Starwars7news.com:

With Disney having fired up the converters on the Star Wars franchise in a big way over the past two years, here has been much speculation as to whether or not they will finally be the ones to release the Original Trilogy in its unaltered, pre-1997 theatrical form. A new Italian television ad suggests that Disney may have taken a big step in this very direction. More after the jump…

Since Disney’s 2012 acquisition of LucasFilm LTD and the Star Wars franchise, many Original Trilogy fans have been crossing their fingers in hopes that we might finally see a DVD/Blu-Ray release of the OT’s original pre-Special Edition edit. One of the big roadblocks to this, of course, has been the fact that 20th Century Fox holds distribution rights to the original 1977 film in perpetuity, as well as theatrical and home distribution rights to the other five Star Wars movies until the year 2020.

Despite this fact, there has been a sharp uptick in recent months of rumors that Disney was, in fact, preparing to release the original edits of the OT films. While no firm confirmation of this has been forthcoming, Film Divider has uncovered a rather intriguing clue in the form of a new Italian TV ad.

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