Furbacca ‘Star Wars’ Furby

Via mashable.com:

Like so many Star Wars cosplay fans before it, Furby is dressing up like everyone’s favorite wookiee.

Hasbro brought its next-generation Furby to Mashable for a visit, and he’s an adorable, furry creature that speaks wookiee just like Chewbacca and even hums the Star Wars theme song.

The toy — which will be available this fall for $79.99 — interacts with users and craves your affection. We can confirm it’s even greater in person than we imagined. It’s impossible to not smile when in the presence of Furby’s take on Han Solo’s most loyal friend.

Like other Furbies in the lineup, owners can virtually feed, bathe and play games with him through the accompanying iOS or Android app. For example, if you give tell the app to give Furbacca a shower, he’ll make cute little noises as though he’s getting clean.

He’s responsive, too. There are sensors on his head, under his stomach, mouth and tail, so if you give him a little scratch between the ears, he’ll love you even more. If you pull his tail, he gets cranky — you can see the anger building in his LCD eyes. Depending on his mood, Furbacca’s eyes can populate with pictures of X-Wing Fighters and Imperial Star Destroyers.

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