Star Wars Rebels


When we left off in Star Wars Rebels, Sabine had finally revealed her backstory to the crew, and had learned how to wield the darksaber. That ancient black lightsaber belonged to her ancestory, the first Mandalorian Jedi, and was a symbol of uniting power for the Mandalorian people for generations, and now it’s in the possession of Sabine Wren. In the return of the series this Saturday Februay 18 at 8:30 p.m. on Disney XD, Sabine takes the darksaber back to her people to recruit them to the Rebel cause. That means we’re going to Mandalore, right? Not so fast…

“We might be going somewhere unexpected,” actress Tiya Sircar, the voice of Sabine, teased to She was checking with Lucasfilm PR about whether it was too much of a tease, but after being assured she could say it, added, “Where we’re going might not be where you think we’re going.”

Fans were assuming that the crew of the Ghost was heading to Mandalore, the traditional seat of power of the Mandalorian people, but it sounds like we’ll be going to another one of their planets. That could have something to do with the devastating Imperial weapon that Sabine revealed she helped design, and was turned on her people. It’s interesting to see more of the former Mandalorian empire, one of the few individual cultures that’s not a crime family that actually expanded out into other planets and even systems. We’ve seen the decimated Concord Dawn, of course, and saw Mandalore and the moon Concordia on Star Wars: The Clone Wars. So is another location coming? It sure sounds like it.

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