‘Star Wars: Bloodline’

Via USAtoday.com:

The new novel Star Wars: Bloodline gives Leia Organa — once a princess, later a general — a story, a journey and an adventure all her own.

So what is her dad Darth Vader doing on the cover, too? Well, that’s a tricky question, according to author Claudia Gray.

“I find myself remembering the Episode I posters, where you see the boy Anakin with Vader’s shadow stretching out behind him,” she says. “In this book, we find out just how far Vader’s shadow falls.”

A follow-up to September’s Star Wars: Aftermath by Chuck Wendig (which reached No. 4 on USA TODAY’s Best-Selling Books list), Bloodline (Del Rey, out May 3) takes place some years before the events of the blockbuster The Force Awakens film. USA TODAY has a first look at the Bloodline jacket and an exclusive excerpt below.

Click below to see the full article.

Two New Star Wars: The Force Awakens Chapter Books

Via dorksideoftheforce.com:

In the coming weeks and months, all manner of Star Wars: The Force Awakens books will be hitting stores. We’ve got the stunning book cover-art for two of those books…

The folks over at JediBibliothek, have uncovered two new chapter books for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Each book tells a different story, but the one thing that have in common is their amazingly beautiful cover-art. The first book is Star Wars: The Force Awakens Storybook, which comes out on Tuesday, April 5, 2016. Here’s the information:

An illustrated picture book that retells important scenes from The Force Awakens. It looks as if this particular story will tell of the battle between Kylo Ren and Rey. I hope the rest of the book has some more of that amazing cover illustration, on the inside. This is an illustrated storybook and it consists of 128 pages, is considered official Star Wars canon, and will be available in hardback, initially. The book will sale for $ 12.99 USD on Amazon.

Next we have Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Rey’s Story, which will become available on Tuesday, February 16, 2016.

This chapter book will tell the story of The Force Awakens, from the unique perspective of Rey, herself. Rated as a young adult novel, this should be an interesting read, as Rey is the focus of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. This book is authored by Jason Fry (a veteran Star Wars novel writer), it consists of 128 pages, will be available in paperback, sales for $5.99 on Amazon, and is official Star Wars canon.

Just from their covers, these books look amazing. And, I am extremely happy to see Rey get her own story of The Force Awakens, from her own point of view. It’s just too bad we have to wait so long to get a chance to read these books.

‘Star Wars’ Titles Hit Best-Seller List

Via USAtoday.com:

Here’s a look at what’s new on USA TODAY’s Best-Selling Books list…

A best-selling ‘Force’: Star Wars fans aren’t getting their fix just at the box office: they’re getting it in bookstores, too. Eight Star Wars titles zoom into the Top 150 this week. Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the seventh film in the sci-fi franchise, has pulled in more than $1 billion worldwide.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Visual Dictionary by Lucasfilm’s Pablo Hidalgo (DK Publishing) is the top-selling book tied to the movie, at No. 19. The photo-filled book bills itself as the “definitive guide to the characters, droids, aliens, and creatures” of the movie. (The full best-seller list will publish on Thursday.)

Also in the top 50: Star Wars Before the Awakening by Greg Rucka (Disney Lucasfilm Press) for young readers, at No. 46. It tells the story Rey, Finn, and Poe before the events of the new movie.

Click below to read the full article.


THE PERFECT WEAPON by Delilah S. Dawson

The Perfect Weapon (Star Wars) (Short Story)

There are plenty of mercenaries, spies, and guns for hire in the galaxy. But probably none as dangerous and determined as Bazine Netal. A master of disguise—and lethal with a blade, a blaster, or bare handed—she learned from the best. Now it’s her turn to be the teacher—even if schooling an eager but inexperienced recruit in the tricks of her trade is the last thing she wants to do. But it’s the only way to score the ship she needs to pull off her latest job.

An anonymous client has hired Bazine to track down an ex-stormtrooper and recover the mysterious package he’s safeguarding. Payment for the mission promises to be astronomical, but the obstacles facing Bazine will prove to be formidable. And though her eager new sidekick has cyber skills crucial to the mission, only Bazine’s razor-sharp talents will mean the difference between success or failure—and life or death.

The Perfect Weapon (Star Wars) (Short Story)

Format: eBook, 57 pages

On Sale Date: November 24th 2015

Price US: $1.99

ISBN: 978-0-399-17793-4


Animated Comic Versions of Two ‘Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Books

Via Slashfilm.com:

When Force Friday arrived earlier this month, along with the barrage of toys, shirts and other junk for collectors to throw on shelves, there were also new books. There’s a whole batch of stories that have been written as part of a publishing initiative called Journey to The Force Awakens, filling in the gaps between Return of the Jedi and the new sequel arriving this winter.

Now two of those books have been given animated comic book adaptations. Sadly, it’s not the longer novels being given this treatment, but rather the kids’ books titles Smuggler’s Run: A Han Solo Adventure and The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure. Watch the animated adaptations of the Journey to the Force Awakens books below!

The Luke Skywalker story has some interesting story beats, including Luke going in search of an abandoned Jedi temple. That sounds like it could have some ties to what he’s doing in The Force Awakens. Maybe he’s been looking for something for the 30 years since Return of the Jedi.

One of the more intriguing parts includes the role of Sarco Plank, a new character we’ve heard about previously, who helps Luke in this particular story. However, the narrator, a female Devaronian, knows him as The Scavenger, and it appears that he may have ulterior motives for helping Luke.

Meanwhile, the Han Solo adventure doesn’t really seem to offer much hints as to what will be coming for the smuggle and his partner Chewbacca. They get involved in some kind of imperial trouble, but what plays out is more like a small action scene from a larger story, where as the Luke story feels slightly more complete, concluding with a cliffhanger.

If after watching these videos you want to buy Smuggler’s Run: A Han Solo Adventure or The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure for you or your kids, you can buy them by clicking each title and picking them up at Amazon for just under $9 right now.

Head over to Slashfilm.com to check them out!

Star Wars Reads Day is 10/10 – EPIC Board Books Perfect For The Littlest Padawan

Readers of all ages will be celebrating Star Wars Reads Day on October 10th. With the Star Wars Epic Yarns board books, parents of pre-reading Padawans can join the fun and introduce the youngest readers to their favorite movies!

2015-09-28 11_05_13-Star Wars Reads Day is 10_10 - EPIC Board Books Perfect for the littlest Padawan

Star Wars® Epic Yarns that tells the story of each of the first three Star Wars movies in just 12 words and 12 iconic scenes depicted in incredibly detailed – and adorable – needle felt.

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Watch the Behind the Scenes video here:

You can order Star Wars Epic Yarns board books here.


Via Starwars.com:
The Force awakens everywhere on December 18. In addition to catching up with the heroes from the original trilogy, fans will also be introduced to new characters like Finn, Rey, Poe Dameron, Kylo Ren, and the spherical droid, BB-8. But as we all know, there’s a lot a story can’t tell you on the screen.

Fans can find out much, much more about the new characters, vehicles, and worlds of Star Wars: The Force Awakens in a slew of novels, art books, visual dictionaries, and sticker collections also coming December 18. Familiar relics and ships from the film like Luke’s lightsaber and the Millennium Falcon will also be examined in closer detail.

Click below to read the full article.

Review Of Star Wars FAQ Everything Left To Know About The Trilogy That Changed The Movies

Today, we take a look at Star Wars FAQ Everything Left To Know About The Trilogy That Changed The Movies by Mark Clark. This book explores every aspect of the Original Trilogy, the inspirations that influenced George Lucas and information about people who contributed to the movies’ success.

Most people know something about Star Wars, they have heard the iconic lines from the film, seen the merchandise and understand that Star Wars has had a large impact on culture. Mark Clark’s book is obviously all about Star Wars, but in a much more detailed way. The book details the history of the Star Wars Phenomen. Clark tells little known stories, discusses the influences on George Lucas and the other creators, gives a behind the scences look at the cast and crew, explores marketing tactics and looks at the cultural impact of Star Wars. The book contains lots of pictures that bring the facts and stories alive.

Star Wars FAQ is 424 pages long. It is an easy read. It can be read all at once or just a section at time. You can easily read about one topic and pick it up later and read about another. It is a great book to consult frequently.

Star Wars FAQ Everything Left To Know About The Trilogy That Changed The Movies, is a great book for new and older fans alike. Fans of The Original Trilogy will enjoy the stories and memories it will envoke, while younger fans will enjoy being a part of the Triology era.

Click here or below to order from Amazon or visit ApplauseBooks.com.
