Review: SSC Darth Maul Mythos Statue

The art team at Sideshow wanted to tell some new stories about some of our favorite Star Wars characters and, with the encouragement of Lucasfilm, created the Mythos line of statues which has proved to be a huge fan favorite!

With the Mythos Darth Maul, Sideshow was paying homage to a story from the Star Wars Tales comic titled “Nameless.” In it, Maul is tasked to track down and assassinate a legendary Jedi with technique so pure he wields only a wooden club. After being once defeated, Maul fabricates his signature dual lightsaber, inspired by Sith schematics and weapons of his native people.

Per Sideshow, “We have envisioned him in a strong, almost meditative martial artist pose. He is dressed in loose garments not unlike that of a Ronin samurai, with one sleeve off and fabric draped to expose tattoos on his upper body. He stands with both arms extended, one clutching his victorious new weapon at his side, and the other out in a Force push.”

Click here or below for our full review!