Week In Review!

Greetings and welcome to the home of all things Star Wars – YODASNEWS.COM. I am going to try to get back into the swing of things here and bring you all of this week’s Star Wars News. Please stay 6 feet apart and practice social distancing while we go through your week in review.

  • ROGUE ONE screenwriters Gary Whitta and Chris Weitz revealed some tasty tidbits while on the latest installment of IGN’s Watch From Home Theater. It seems that some titles that were contemplated before settling on ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY were DARK TIMES, REBELLION and SHADOW OF THE EMPIRE. Thank goodness they stuck with ROGUE ONE. 

  • On May 12th, a revamped, refurbished and rehashed version of STAR WARS EPISODE 1: RACER will be released on the Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch video game systems. Boasting new graphics and controls true to the original, the racing classic will be sure to attract fans who weren’t around 20 years ago for the original release, as well as bring back the casual gamer who played this on the N64 at the end of the millennium. I, for one, can’t wait to buy some Hot Pockets, put some Smashmouth on in the background, and play this until the wee hours of the morning. Who would have thought I would be anxious to relive my mid-twenties?

  • Is that stimulus check burning a hole in your bank account? Have no fear, Lego is here. Just in time for May 4th, the toy that has caused permanent injury to millions of unsuspecting feet around the world has announced their latest entry into their Star Wars Ultimate Collector Series – the A-Wing. Clocking in at 1,672 pieces, with a price tag of $199.99, the A-wing comes with a display stand, information plaque and A-Wing pilot. I have several of the Ultimate Collector Series ships and I think they are amazing. Just be careful when you move them around. One of the worst feelings in the world is losing your balance and dropping a 1500 piece Lego B-Wing fighter.

  • Finally, if you are one of those folks who are finding themselves in Zoom meeting after Zoom meeting with no end in sight, STARWARS.COM has come through for you! Offering over 30 backgrounds for your side of the camera, STARWARS.COM is bringing you to the galaxy far, far away while you are being far, far away from work. Want to talk to your boss while you are on Hoth? No problem. Need to focus your employees’ attention while you talk about the mission statement? When your background is Starkiller Base, that isn’t a problem. Chatting with Grandma? Do it from Tatooine. If you are going to zoom, at least have fun with it. 

Well, that’s it boys and girls. I am going to try to get new content up here as soon as possible. In fact, barring some unforeseen circumstances, I hope to settle a question that has been around for a whopping 4 months now – which trilogy was better? Episodes 1-3 or Episodes 7-9? Stay tuned to YODASNEWS.COM for the answer.

Oh, if you don’t hear anything from me in a week, please email me at TRAVISCRAFTS@GMAIL.COM and tell me to get off my Hutt like backside and start writing, huh? Thanks. Stay safe everyone!